Sunday, March 6, 2016

Product Review: Nivea Men Post Shave Balm

Hello my beauties! So unless you live under a beauty rock, I'm sure you've seen people obsessing over the Nivea Men's Post Shave Balm and how it's supposed to be an amazing primer!
Now I don't normally purchase products that become fads but for whatever reason I purchased this one. I was at Walgreens & I walked by it and I thought, "What the hell, why not?" It was only $7, so if it sucked no big deal. 
So I bought it and I tested it out for a week. I even used it on my self & my aunt who is 62 when we went to a concert, knowing we would get sweaty I wanted to test it's staying power. 
This is by FAR the best "makeup primer" I have ever used!!! It not only makes my makeup stick like glue, but it blurres out my pores like never before. I used to be a die-hard Maybelline Baby Skin Primer fan, but this has defintely taken its place.
8 A.M.

Now you only need about the amount of a dime and I apply it about 10 minutes after I apply my moisturizer. Make sure it is completely rubbed in, it will feel pretty sticky, but that feeling will go away once you begin applying your foundation. Now I personally use a liquid foundation, I'm not sure how this would work with a powder. This not only improved my makeup's lasting power, but it eliminated the need for touch-ups! I literally did NOT touch up at all throughout the day!
These pictures were taken 11 hours later. Now I am extremely dewey in these pictures, but keep in mind that I never touched up throughout the day, didn't even blot! The makeup itself stayed exactly where I put it, no sliding, smudging, or budging!
Another thing I noticed after a week of using this product, was the improvement of my actual skin!
I noticed a more even skin tone and the overall feel of my skin! It felt smoother with a higher moisture level, even when I wasn't wearing it. I also noticed some of my dark spots faded and I haven't broke out once!

I am seriously so shocked about this product! I have never been happier about a purchased "makeup" product before.
If you have not picked up this product, you need to do so like now!

As always leave comments/love/suggestions down below!

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